Country Ambassadors & Advisors (Updated- January, 2025)
Country Ambassadors
USA | 1. Mamun Monsoor, Head of Technical Services NCA region at Wacker Chemical Corporation, USA, [email protected] 2. Arshad Hussain Mamun, Technical Program Manager 5028 Savio Dr, Round Rock, TX 78665 845-772-0153, [email protected] 3. Kazi Motahar Hossain, Self Employed, 13374 Arbor pointe circle, Tampa, Florida, USA. Email: [email protected] 4. Mrityunjoy Biswas, Postdoctoral Scholar, USA Email: [email protected] 5. Khairul Alam Siddiqi, PhD, Assistant Professor Washington State University, Spokane, Washington, USA, Email: [email protected] 6. Dr Raihana Musawwir, Physician, Wyckoff Heights Medical Center Brooklyn, NY, USA, Email: [email protected] 7. Dr. Aurpita Shaha, Postdoctoral Associate, Fox Chase Cancer Center, Temple University Health, Pennsylvania, USA. [email protected]. |
UK (& Europe) | 1. Shahed Shams, Managing Director , Logistics company, UK, Email: [email protected], Phone number : +447737951338 2. Dr. Yaseen Adnan, Assistant Professor, UK, Email: [email protected] 3. Nahid Rozalin Srabonee, Lecturer, Regent’s University London, UK, Email: [email protected] 4. Dr. Sazzadur Rahman, Civil Service, [email protected] Mobile: +447902977669, Scotland, UK. 5. Suaib Adamjee, Chairman, British Bangla Group, 19, Holt Road, Wembley, UK, Email: [email protected] 6. Dr. Anower Hossain, Assistant Professor in Medical Statistics Warwick Medical School, University of Warwick, UK, Email: [email protected] 7. Md Forhad Khandaker, Senior Engineering Project Team Leader, Integrated Component Solution (ICS) ,Caterpillar Inc. USA, Phone: (309)696-1301, Email: [email protected] 8. Rezia Farhana Khan, USA, Sr. Quality Assurance Engineer [email protected] |
Canada | 1. Dr. Saharia Kanak, Regional Business Analyst, Ontario Provincial Police, Ontario Ministry of Solicitor General Canada; Email: [email protected] 2. Ataur Rahman, P. Eng., PMP. Senior Design Engineer EPCOR Utilities Inc. Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, Email: [email protected] |
Australia | 1. Tanvir Munawar, Sydney, Australia, Email: [email protected] 2. Dr. Mainul Islam, Associate Professor, University of Southern Queensland, Australia, Email: [email protected] 3. Dr. Ashfaque Chowdhury, Senior Lecturer in Mechanical Engineering, Central Queensland University, Australia, Email: [email protected] 4. Dr Al-Tamini Tapu, Geoscientist, Queensland Government, Brisbane, Australia, Ph +61470334703, Email [email protected] 5. Sharmin Quazi Bonny, PhD, R&D Microbiologist, Hydrobe, Email: [email protected] 6. Md Jahid Faruki, Occupation: Engineer, Company: Metro Trains Melbourne, Australia, Email: [email protected] 7. Nafeez Abrar & Shaolin Zaman, Software Engineer, Email: [email protected], Contact: +61 492371971 |
Japan | 1. Ashim Kumar Shaha, Assistant Professor, Osaka University, Japan, Email: [email protected] 2. Ifte Hasan, IT Engineer, Fujitsu Ltd, Japan Email: [email protected], Cell: +81 90-3565-1477 3. MOHAMMAD SUJA UDDIN, KMC Japan Co., Ltd. (Used Car Export Business) Fukuoka, JAPAN Email: [email protected] 4. Rony Taluqdar, CIO; Looop Inc, Japan, Email:[email protected] Mob:+81-80-6018-1984 5. Dr. MD ZOBAER HASAN, Research Scientist (Rohto Pharmaceutical CO., Ltd, Japan) & Visiting Research Fellow (University of Sheffield, UK) Country: Japan and UK Phone number: +81 80 3861 0756 (Japan) +44 740 390 8761 (UK) email:[email protected] 6. Abdur Rahman, Software Engineer, Tokay, Japan, Email: [email protected] 7. Rezaul Islam, Civil Engineeri, TODA Corporation, Japan. Email: [email protected] |
Germany | 1. Rahima Ferdaus Lopa, Forellenring 12,91325 Adelsdorf, Germany, [email protected] 2. Mahamudul Hasan Bhuyan, Doctoral researcher, Heinrich Heine University, Duesseldorf & University Medicine Rostock, Rostock, Germany. Email: [email protected] 3. Md Mortoza Ashraf, Doctoral researcher, Ruhr University Bochum, Email: [email protected] |
South Korea | 1. Md Furkanur Rahaman Mizan Assistant Professor, Chung-Ang University South Korea, [email protected] 2. Md. Atikur Rahman, Post Doctoral Researcher at National Institute of Animal Sciences, Republic of Korea, [email protected] 3. MAKSUDUR RAHMAN JONAYED Assistant Professor, Yeungjin University Email: [email protected], Phone +821087159843 4. ASIKUN NABI RUSSEL, Private job, Email: [email protected] South Korea 5. Dr. Azam Sharif Mohammed Shafioul; Research Scientist, Yonsei University, Song-do, Incheon, South Korea, [email protected], Cell: +82-010-2285-5817 |
China | 1. Debashis Mondal, PhD Fellow, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Wuhan, E-mail: [email protected], Cell: +86-15629017532. 2.Dr. Md. Mozammel Haque, Professor Nanjing University of Information Science & Technology, Nanjing, China Email: [email protected] |
Norway | Syed Al Arabi, Environmental Research Scientist, Norway, Email:[email protected] |
Sweden | Moazzem Hossain, Director,Global Project- Data and Connectivity Securitas Group, Sweden, [email protected] |
Saudi Arabia | Dr. Tahsinul Haque, Assistant Professor, King Saud University, Saudi Arabia, Email: [email protected] |
Kuwait | Dr. Mohammed Hossain, Associate Professor, Gulf University for Science and Technology, Kuwait, Email: [email protected] |
Singapore | 1. Dr. Mashiur Rahman, Scientist, Editor,, Email: [email protected] 2. Dr. Shaheen A.K.M. Aminullah, KAROTOA OVERSEAS (S) PTE. LTD., Singapore, Email: [email protected] |
Qatar | Capt. Shah Alam, Qatar Airways, Email: [email protected], Ph: +97433518970 |
1. M Mosharraf Hossain, Professor, Chittagong University, [email protected]
2. Chanchal Chowdhury, Renowned Actor, Dhaka.
3. Anisul Haque, Renowned writer and Associate Editor Prothom Alo
4. Abdul Aleem Khan, Joint Secretary, Government of Bangladesh, [email protected]
5. Alam Syed Nazrul, CEO & Board of Director, Global Doctor, (JU 2nd Batch,) [email protected]
6. Tahsina Yesmin, News Caster (TV) and Associate Professor, Daffodil University, [email protected]
7. Khondaker Ehteshamul Kabir, Joint Secretary, Government of Bangladesh, [email protected]
8. ASM Wahidur Rahman, KUET, MPT Software Developer, Dhaka, [email protected]
9. Kh. Mazhabuddin Pallob, Khulna University, Agricultural Business Consultant, [email protected]
10. Dr. Manwarul Haque, PhD from Aligar Muslim University, India, [email protected]
11. Tushar Kanti Biswas, Education Officer, Directorate of Primary Education, Dhaka, [email protected]
12. Md Aminul Haque (Biplob), System Analyst, Bangladesh Police, [email protected]
13. Md. Amir Khurram, Engineer, Email: [email protected], Bogura
14. Dr. Shaikh Tanveer Hossain, Director (Policy and Strategy), IFOAM-Organics Asia ; E-mail: [email protected]
15. Dr. Mohammad Tofazzal Hossain Howlader, Professor & Ex-Head, Department of Entomology, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh, Phone: +8801742220007
16. Quazi Abu Tayem, CDFP, MBA, MDS, Additional Director, Bangladesh Bank
17. Squadron Leader A A M M SHAMSUZZAHAN, Retd, Head of Safety Management and Captain Boeing 737-800, US Bangla Airlines, [email protected]
18. SAJEDA KHATUN, Senior Assistant Vice President & Branch Manager,
ONE Bank Plc, Ashkona Branch, [email protected]
19. Runa Yasmin, Dhaka, Email: [email protected]
20. Dr. Md. Mahbubar Rahman, BSc, MSc JU; Mphil, BUET; PhD, Osaka University, Japan, Email: [email protected]
মোরাল প্যারেন্টিং এর সাথে যুক্ত বা আমাদের বিভিন্ন কর্মকাণ্ডে অংশগ্রহণকারী বিশিষ্ট ব্যক্তিবর্গঃ
১) চঞ্চল চৌধুরী, জনপ্রিয় অভিনেতা (২০১৮ সাল থেকে মোরাল প্যারেন্ট এবং উপদেষ্টা)
২) আনিসুল হক, স্বনামধন্য সাহিত্যিক (২০১৮ সাল থেকে মোরাল প্যারেন্ট)
৩) সেলিনা হোসেন, বিশিষ্ট সাহিত্যিক (বাংলা একাডেমী প্রগ্রামে অংশগ্রহণ করেছেন এবং অদম্য শিখায় বানী দিয়েছেন )
৪) ডঃ আতিউর রহমান, বাংলাদেশ ব্যাংকের সাবেক গভর্নর (বাংলা একাডেমী প্রগ্রামে অংশগ্রহণ করেছেন এবং অদম্য শিখায় বানী দিয়েছেন)
৫) সুলতানা কামাল, তত্ত্বাবধায়ক সরকারের সাবেক উপদেষ্টা (অদম্য শিখায় বানী দিয়েছেন)
৬) মামুনুর রশিদ, বিশিষ্ট নাট্য ব্যক্তিত্ব (বাংলা একাডেমী প্রগ্রামে অংশগ্রহণ করেছেন)
৭) শাহিদা খাতুন, বাংলা একাডেমীর সাবেক পরিচালক (২০২১ সাল থেকে আমাদের মোরাল প্যারেন্ট)