Moral Parenting, What and Why?

All children are the children of the Nature. The supreme creator sends some of its children to our home, some to others. Some children are enjoying abundant facilities, some are fighting for their fundamental rights like food, cloth, education. An adult may be blamed for his poverty; however, children got their fate by birth. A child cannot choose his family, as it is distributed by the creator or nature. We try our best to take care of our own child in all means; however, do we really think about other ill-fated children, who are also the child of the nature? Of course, it is not possible to take care of all child of the world; however, if we would pay little attention to (at least) one of those children, a life in the dark may see the light of success – it’s our moral duty.

Let’s think another way… Why we take care of our children? Surely, the answer is ‘love’ and ‘responsibility’. Beside this, we have another expectation; we hope this child will take care of me in my old age. In the same way, if we help to grow one of the needy children with parental love; s/he must be grateful to us and we may expect, s/he will stand beside us when we really need someone. Don’t think only financial need; thrust of love is forever, and unconditional love returns naturally.

Many of us have the financial capacity of upbringing a child beside our own children; sometime we want to do moral work; however, we cannot proceed because of lack of time or anxiety of maintenance. Every person has a humanitarian mind; however, the situation doesn’t always favor. To grow up and educate a child is not an easy task; it requires money and proper parental care.

Can we do it together? If you would agree for one part, we’ll take the responsibility of the other part. Here, we are sharing the information of some poor but meritorious students; you may choose someone and give some scholarship to fulfil his/her basic needs. We’ll provide parental care to the student on behalf of you. You will be the ‘Moral Parent’; the student will be your ‘Moral Child’; we just help to build up the moral bond between both of you – this is the concept of ‘Moral Parenting’. It is neither a legal relationship, nor just charity; it is a moral relationship.

Millions of brilliant students drop from education because of poverty and proper guidance. You are cordially requested to help one or more students by providing some scholarship. We’ll utilize your scholarship to fulfill the fundamental needs (food, cloth & education) of your moral child; and inform you the progress time to time.

By providing little amount of scholarship, you’d become not only a donor of a moral project but also build a moral relationship with a child of the nature. Usually, the donors of the traditional NGO don’t know to whom they are helping and how much really the child received from their donation. Most of the money is wasted by the third party for maintenance. The child also doesn’t know who is helping him. In this regard, our initiative is different; we’ll encourage and help the moral parents to communicate with their moral children directly. Because, our objective is to build a lifelong moral relationship between two parties. You may keep contact with your moral children through this website, email, phone, video conference etc.; we also help you in this regards.

  In Bangladesh, around 26% children are living below the poverty line; thousands of meritorious students are dropping from education because of poverty. They are sinking in the dark of illiteracy and polluting the society. Let us extend our hands for them with parental love; we are committed to provide you trust-able platform in this moral work.